光合成ユビキティ あらゆる地球環境で光合成を可能とする超分子構造制御




The 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (Nagoya, Japan) Co-sponsored Symposium

Date Thursday, November 16, 9:00-11:30 
Place Nagoya Congress Center

Understanding the Principles of the Adaptation of Photosynthesis to Diverse Environments

Organizer Yuu Hirose (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.),Genji Kurisu(Osaka Univ.)

Photosynthetic organisms synthesize organic compounds from water and carbon dioxides using solar energy. They adapted and expanded over a wide range of environments and sustain all living organisms on Earth. The structure and function of photosynthetic apparatus change dynamically in response to environmental conditions. In 2023, researchers from structural biology, plant physiology, biochemistry, and bioinformatics have teamed up to launch a new research project, “Photosynthetic Ubiquity”, which is supported by Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) from JSPS. In this symposium, the members of this project will discuss approaches to elucidate the molecular principles of adaptation of photosynthetic supramolecular complexes to diverse environments.

Structure of cyanobacterial photosystem I complexed with ferredoxin and cytochrome c6 at 1.97 Å resolution

Jiannan Li1,2, Noriyuki Hamaoka1,2, Fumiaki Makino3,4, Akihiro Kawamoto1,2, Keiichi Namba3,4,5, Christoph Gerle1, Genji Kurisu1,2,5 (1Inst. Prot. Res., Osaka Univ., 2Grad. Sch. Sci., Osaka Univ., 3Grad. Sch. Front. Bio., Osaka Univ., 4JEOL Co., Ltd., 5JEOL YOKOGUSHI Res. Lab., Osaka Univ.)

Visualization of dynamic higher-order molecular structure of thylakoid membranes by HS-AFM

Daisuke Yamamoto, Yudai Nishitani (Fac. Sci., Fukuoka Univ.)

Understanding environmental adaptation mechanisms in photosynthetic light-harvesting proteins

Keisuke Saito1,2, Masaki Tsujimura1, Takumi Kagimoto1, Hiroshi Ishikita1,2 (1RCAST, Univ. Tokyo, 2Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Tokyo)

Decoding the environmental adaptation strategies of biological machineries via ancestral proteins

Yuko Tsuchiya1, Ryuhei Minei2, Atsushi Hijikata3, Tsuyoshi Shirai2 (1Artificial Intelligence Research Center (AIRC), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), 2Department of Bio-science, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, 3School of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences)

Structural basis of chromatic acclimation in Cyanobacteria

Yuu Hirose (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech. Dept. of Eng.)


Academic Transformation A “Photosynthetic Ubiquity” FY2024-2007 Open Call for Research Briefing (online)

Date Thursday, July 20, 14:00-15:00
Place Held online via Zoom
(Venue URL:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84262482018?pwd=em5MUFlkcFdQLzFiOGNZSVM2TDhBUT09

Using supramolecular structure as a keyword, we have created a fusion research area to elucidate the adaptive process of photosynthesis in any environment. The target species are not only model species but also non-model species, with spatial scales ranging from amino acid residues (angstroms) to thylakoid membranes (sub-μm), and timescales from excitation energy transfer (picoseconds) to membrane structure dynamics (minutes). The timescale ranges from excitation energy transfer (picoseconds) to membrane structural dynamics (minutes), promoting multilevel and multidimensional studies. This is a challenge that can only be taken on by photosynthesis research, which has accumulated a great deal of structural information through previous studies. No advance registration is required, and everyone is welcome to participate freely.


The 87th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan (Hokkaido, Japan) Co-sponsored Symposium

Date Thursday, September 7, 9:30~12:20
Space Hokkaido University Sapporo Campus

Molecular-level life hacks that enable photosynthesis anywhere on Earth.”
Organizer: Shinichiro Maruyama (The University of Tokyo)
The history of life on earth, in which almost all life depends on solar energy, can be described as a history of repeated functional improvement and reoptimization through evolution driven by chance, as if existing molecular functions were “hacked”. We would like to deepen the discussion on the molecular structural innovations that photosynthetic organisms, or light-using organisms as well as photosynthetic organisms, have developed to adapt to various global environments and to expand their range of activities, as well as new technologies and tools to delve into such a history.

Lifehack of Carbon Dioxide fixation from Algae” Yasuhisa Hirakawa (University of Tsukuba)

Mechanism and evolutionary path of infrared-enhanced photosynthesis found in the green alga Nanjokukawa-nori” Makiko Kosugi (National Institute for Basic Biology)

Photosynthesis and Microbial Rhodopsin: Their Lifestyle and Life Hacks Based on Mechanism and Distribution” Susumu YOSHIZAWA (The University of Tokyo)

Molecular-level imaging of dynamics in thylakoid membranes by high-speed atomic force microscopy” Daisuke YAMAMOTO (Fukuoka University)

Life Hacks of Supramolecular Structures Enabling Photosynthesis in Various Environments: Cryo-EM Observations” Akihiro Kawamoto (Osaka University)
